Posts from 2017

1120 of 28 items

See Ya When I See Ya

by Don Wright

This is what friends sometime say to each other when they depart from each other, and they are not quite sure when they will be in each other’s company again. Sadly, there are many members of the body of Christ who we could say that to when they leave after a worship service. This shouldn’t […]

The Willingness to Say “I’m Sorry”

by Don Wright

Without question, the best part of life revolves around the relationships that we develop with others. For those of us who are married, the relationship that we have with our spouse becomes more important, and rewarding, than any other earthly enjoyment. Of course, our relationship with our children produces a love that is indescribable. Who […]

Unity in Diversity

by Don Wright

The desire of every child of God should be religious unity. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalms 133:1). In John 17:20-22 Jesus prayed that His disciples would be one even as He was one with the Father. In 1 Corinthians 1:10 Paul exhorted the brethren […]

What’s Wrong with It?

by Don Wright

To many people there is a blurred line between right and wrong. What is right and wrong is determined by feelings and other subjective standards, making the identification of things right and things wrong nearly, if not altogether, impossible. The Bible removes any question about whether something is right or wrong. If the Bible condemns […]

Coming Out

by Don Wright

Sports Illustrated reported last Thursday that Sue Bird, a veteran WNBA allstar “comes out.” Of course, that is the terminology used to report someone famous publicly announcing to the world that he or she is gay. My question is why are these things still being reported? Out of what was Sue Bird coming? We know […]

Scriptural Giving

by Don Wright

T here is a lot of false teaching today on the subject of giving financially. In denominational churches, it is regularly taught that members must tithe. I have recently heard of a local church of Christ in Florida that is now teaching its members to tithe. What does the Bible say about giving today? We […]

Are Musical Instruments in Worship Still Wrong? I

by Don Wright

I recently had a conversation with a Christian, who I have known for many years and have a lot of respect for, who shocked me with his true feelings about musical instruments in worship. He has basically concluded that the issue of instrumental music in worship isn’t enough to cause a person to lose his […]

Speak Where The Bible Speaks

by Don Wright

Lately it seems as if many ultra-liberal thinkers in religious matters have attacked the slogan “speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent.” One man said in reference to the above statement, “Though well intentioned,this slogan has caused many to view the New Testament writings through legalistic lenses…” I might […]

Personal Accountability

by Don Wright

Not holding people accountable for their actions is a definite pattern in this country, yet it really isn’t anything new. For a long time now, we have tried to excuse murderers, rapists, thieves, etc., because of certain mitigating circumstances involved in the crimes.  Before sentencing a person too harshly for even a terribly brutal crime […]