Posts from August 2022

2126 of 26 items

Church Growth

by Don Wright

The New Testament church was a growing church.  If we study church history from the book of Acts, we learn that the church faced many obstacles.  Some did not believe and caused trouble for those who would preach the gospel (Acts 17:5).  There were those in the church who fell short of their obligations (Acts […]

More Enlightenments from the Book of Ephesians (The Armor of God)

by Don Wright

As Christians, we face a formidable foe in Satan.  He is crafty and constant in his efforts to overthrow our faith and will use any means possible to accomplish his will.  Fortunately, we learn exactly how to overcome all of his assaults against us in Ephesians 6:10-18.  Here is the opening of that text. Ephesians […]

More Enlightenments from the Book of Ephesians (Husbands and Wives)

by Don Wright

Ephesians 5 tells us more about God’s will concerning husbands and wives than any other passage in the Bible.  The teaching of Paul in verses 22-32 is of far greater value than the thousands and thousands of pages written by man in books that are supposed to be the answer to a successful marriage. There […]

More Enlightenments from the Book of Ephesians (The Unity of the Spirit)

by Don Wright

God has always desired unity among His people.  Since in every dispensation or age God’s people are in the minority,  it has always been important that they demonstrate a united front to those around them.  Unity among God’s people is good for them and for the influence they can have on others.  This was why […]