In Genesis 3, we read of the first lie ever told (Genesis 3:1-5). This is what prompted Jesus to call Satan the father of lies in John 8:44. No one has ever matched the cleverness of Satan in the realm of deception. The devil is a great liar. Let us consider three of them.

• There Is No Such Thing as Absolute Truth.

There are those who hold to the position that truth is completely subjective, that is, that truth is within the mind of the individual. What that ultimately means is that truth is essentially whatever a person wants it to be. However, when it comes to spiritual matters, there is an absolute and objective truth, and that truth is very much attainable. It is the truth of God’s Word, and we have it preserved for us in the Bible. This truth is infallible and unchangeable.

Satan does not want man to believe this. He wants man to believe his lie that there is no absolute truth because that will keep people in darkness. Those who are in darkness are those who have not come to know the truth of God’s Word. Paul reminds us that the ones who are lost, are those from whom the god of this world (Satan) has successfully hidden the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). The devil knows what he is doing. If people think that there is no absolute truth to regulate their lives, then the philosophies of men, human creeds, and popular opinions will be the guiding force for them, and that will end in damnation. Do not believe Satan’s lie.

• There Is No Eternal Punishment in a Place Called Hell.

That is a lie the devil has many people believing today, even some who claim to believe in the Bible. These people rely mostly on emotionalism and human reasoning to come to their conclusion. That is exactly what the devil wants man to do. Do not rely on human reasoning when it comes down to what you believe. Rely on the Bible. It is the final source of authority in religious matters, and it tells us, over and over again, that hell is a real place where many will spend eternity (Matthew 5:22, 29-30; 10:28; 13:41-42). These are just a few of the many passages that affirm hell is a real place of eternal punishment. Even if you believe the devil’s lie, the truth will remain unchanged. Instead of denying hell, we should all prepare for heaven.

• That One Church Is as Good as Another.

This lie sounds good to many honest and sincere people; thus, they believe that one can join the church of their choice. Well, in this country that is true, but the Lord will not add people to just any church. The Lord only adds people to His church, and there is only one (Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4). This church is the one that started in the first century, on the day of Pentecost, in Jerusalem (Acts 2). It wears the name of Christ (Romans 16:16) and respects Him as its Head by only preaching and practicing that which is authorized by Him (Colossians 3:17). The devil will tell you not to worry about these details because all churches belong to Christ. Do not believe him. He has been a liar from the beginning.

These are just a few of the things that the devil wants you to believe. All his lies will lead to spiritual death just like they did when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden (Genesis 3:1-24). If you want to be sure that you are believing the truth, you must make sure that your convictions are based on the Word of God, not the doctrines of men that have been propagated by the devil (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

As you wind down for the night, think on these things.