Reminiscing is something we all do from time to time.  I sometimes remember that Whitney, even when she was as old as twenty-five, loved to climb into our bed when Janice and I were watching TV and watch it with us.  The problem was she would usually do it late at night when I was trying to go to sleep.

Now, the background to this, as some of you know, is that I am an early riser.  During the week I am almost always up between 2:00 and 3:00 am.  I also, generally speaking, go to bed early, usually by 8:00 or 9:00 pm.  Whitney, on the other hand, stayed up late at night.  Being a manager at McDonald’s, she would often not even get home until after midnight so she was used to staying up late.

Most of the time when Whitney would climb into our bed to watch TV (really she just wanted to chat with her mother) I would be trying to go to sleep.  I have no problem sleeping with the TV on, but the sound of Janice and Whitney talking, and, of course, laughing and Whitney giggling about something, would get on my nerves as I lay there trying to go to sleep.  They would try to be quiet but, believe it or not, I can be a little grouchy sometimes.  I would soon fall asleep, but not before telling Whitney, a time or two, to go get in her own bed.   The next day Janice and Whitney would usually say something to each other in front of me about how grumpy I was the night before, and I would smile and say, “You know I get up early,” or something like that.

Today, I would give a king’s ransom to have Whitney climb into our bed and watch TV with her mother, even if it meant losing a little sleep.

Do you ever take things for granted?  I know the answer is yes.  We all do.  Whether it is the people we love, the lifestyle we have, or just the everyday things of life, some things are such a part of our lives that we just do not think about how or why it is, it just is.  We do this both with things that are physical and spiritual in nature.

Think about the physical.  How many of us take for granted the water that we drink, cook with, and with which we clean up?  Do you remember what the poor residents of Flint, Michigan were going through a few years back?  The city’s water supply became corrupt due to poisonous pipes and lead-tainted water, and their children started getting sick, and people were even dying.  Only when something like that happens do people even consider the importance of having a clean and healthy water supply.   Personally, when I wash off a dish in the sink, I do not worry about the condition of the water.  I am sure that I have taken this for granted.  What about you?

There are all kinds of things in the physical realm that we should never take for granted.  Everything from the living conditions made available to us by living in this country, and even in the city of Akron, to the personal blessings we enjoy every day, such as the food that we eat, the clothes we wear, and the houses in which we live.  We should be thankful every day, and we should express our thankfulness to God.

We should be thankful for our families because not everyone has one.  Many people have reached a place in life where they are all alone.  Let us be thankful for our spouses, for our children, for our parents, and our brothers and sisters.  Family was instituted by God, and it is a wonderful blessing we should never take for granted.

Having a job is a blessing.  Oh, I know you might complain about it once in a while.  There may be people on the job with whom you would rather not associate.  There may be situations that irritate you.  However, if you have a job and can take care of your family, pay your bills, and live life, never forget to thank God for it.

Of course, the greatest blessings of all are spiritual.  Sadly, at times, we even take them for granted.  When was the last time you thanked God for prayer?  When Jesus prayed just before raising Lazarus from the dead, He said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me” (John 11:41).  Prayer is a blessing that we should never take for granted.

If you are a member of the Lord’s church, when was the last time you gave thanks for that?  Paul encouraged us to do so in Colossians 3:15.  Do you realize the odds against you becoming a member of the church of Christ?  Jesus reminded us that the majority of people who live and die in this world will die lost (Matthew 7:13-14).  Many will never hear the unperverted gospel of Christ.  Many will hear it, but reject it.  In this world that is filled with literally thousands of man-made churches in which there is no salvation, and with a countless number of false teachers leading people astray,  thank God you are a part of the Lord’s church.  Do not take it for granted.

Above all, we should never take the salvation of our souls for granted.  It cost Jesus heaven and hell to make it possible, and in between it cost Him an unbelievable amount of suffering and agony.  Paul said, “But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18  and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness” (Romans 6:17-18).  Aren’t you thankful that you have been saved by the grace of God through faith (Ephesians 2:8)?  If so, let God know about it, and never, ever take it for granted.  Do everything you can to sustain it.  Live according to the precepts of God and be faithful until death (Revelation 2:10).

Do not just tell God you are thankful and that you do not take your salvation for granted; show it to Him by the way you live your life.  Be active in the church.  Make full use of your talents.  This is how you show that, when it comes to the spiritual blessings that God has given you through His Son, Jesus, you do not take any of them for granted, but are thankful every day.