Many children learn the story of Zacchaeus in Bible Class.  A famous song that is taught to children goes like this:

Zacchaeus was a wee little man
And a wee little man was he
He climbed up in a sycamore tree
For the Lord he wanted to see

Zacchaeus was a notorious tax collector (Luke 19:2).  On one occasion, while our Lord was traveling from Jericho to Jerusalem, Zacchaeus wanted to see Him, but the crowd was so big, and Zacchaeus was so short, that he could not get a good look at Christ.  So, when he saw a sycamore tree, he ran to it and climbed up to see if he could get a better look(Luke 19:4).  When Jesus got to the place where the sycamore tree was, He saw Zacchaeus up in the tree and said, “Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house.”  Of course, Zacchaeus did what Christ said and received Him joyfully into his house (Luke 19:6-7).

Have you welcomed Jesus into your home?  A home where Jesus is welcome will be a happy home, full of grace and truth because that is what Jesus brings with Him (John 1:14).  Unfortunately, Jesus is not welcome in every home, not even those made up of members of His own church.  So then, in what kind of home is Jesus welcome?

Jesus is welcome in homes with marriages that are happy and healthy.  These are homes that follow God’s Word regarding husbands and wives.  The husbands in these homes recognize their responsibility to lead their families in the right direction spiritual, putting God first, and giving Him the reverence He deserves (Joshua 24:15: Acts 10:1-2).  These are husbands who love their wives as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25).  The wives in these homes honor Christ by submitting to their own husbands as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22).  Husbands and wives who truly love and serve each other, working together to please God, are saying to Jesus, “you are welcome to abide in our house.”  

Jesus is welcome in homes that abhor evil.  You will not find cabinets filled with liquor and refrigerators overrun with beer in homes where Jesus is welcome.  In such homes, you will not find rooms filled with smoke from cigarettes or the sound of vulgar language blasting from the T.V.  Instead, you will find feel a sense of peace, projected by a family that is determined to live righteously, striving to please God.  David captured the essence of this kind of home.Psalm 101:2, 7 (ESV)
2  I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house…7 No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

Jesus is welcome in homes where the presence of God is felt.  When you enter a home like this, you will see evidence that God is important to the homeowners.  You see plaques on the wall with favorite scriptures.  You do not have look very hard to see a Bible lying around.  You will find a family that loves the Lord and is not ashamed to let people see how they feel about Him.

Is Jesus welcomed in your home?  Zacchaeus received Him with joy, and so should we.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.