Meekness has to do with having a sense of our unworthiness before God.  It helps to keep us from walking with an egotistical spirit.  Meekness, without question, highlights our holiness because it conflicts with the usual disposition of our society.

People in the world today are sure that if you want to get ahead; if you want to be somebody and rise to the top, you must be aggressive, ruthless, and willing to do whatever it takes to get there.  But the kingdom of God is not like that.  If you want to rise to the top in the kingdom of heaven, you must be humble and lowly.  Jesus taught that the meek are the ones who are truly blessed.

Matthew 5:5 (ESV)
5  “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

One problem with meekness is that people have the wrong idea about what it is.  To be meek does not mean to be weak.  Too many people think that this is the case.  Even Webster defines meekness as being “deficient in spirit and courage…or not strong.”  That may be worldly meekness, but it is not biblical meekness.  Meekness in the Bible does not mean to be an insecure wimp.

While weakness is due to negative circumstances, such as a lack of strength or courage, meekness is due to a person’s determined choice.  The fact is, strength is an inherent part of meekness.  You cannot have meekness without strength, and Christians are consistently encouraged to be strong (1 Corinthians 16:13; Ephesians 6:10; 2 Timothy 2:1

The Bible is clear—we need to be strong because we are in a battle with the devil, and he is a fierce adversary.

1 Peter 5:8 (ESV)
8  Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

Being weak just will not do.  So regardless of what definition the world places upon it, meekness is not weakness.  What is meekness then?

The most practical description of meekness is “power under control.”  To be meek is to have the unique blend of kindness and courage, gentleness and strength, and humility and boldness.  In the ancient Greek world, the word meek was used to describe tamed animals.  Think about a horse.  A horse is a very strong animal.  If you stand close to a horse, you can see muscles all over his body.  Isn’t it amazing that horses will allow human beings to ride on their backs?  That is meekness.  It is power under control.

Toward God meekness is expressed by gratitude for all that He has done and continues to do for us.  Toward man, it is expressed by our humility.  Everyone led by the Spirit will have this fruit.  If you are arrogant, you are not being led by the Spirit.  If you are braggadocios, you are not being led by the Spirit.  If you think you are better than everybody else.  You are not being led by the Spirit because the Spirit does not produce that kind of fruit.  Let’s all examine ourselves to be sure that we are being led by the Spirit of God, demonstrated by our meekness and lowliness of heart.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.