Is it just me or is there something that seems inherently wrong in using children to promote abortion? It is an attempt to say to people, “see, we really do love our children,” which is something no one, so far as I know, has called into question. Of course, pro-abortion people love the children they have allowed to live and get to know and bond with over time. It is the ones they decided they do not want, and that they mercilessly murder by aborting them that give pro-life supporters a problem.

Those who promote abortion are not demons. Many of them would never dream of having an abortion themselves. However, they have gotten caught up in the “personal rights” and “me-first” movement that has always prevailed among men but seem to have become increasingly prevalent since the seventies, which happens to be the decade that abortion became legal nationwide. If you listen to anyone promoting abortion, their conversation is never about the innocent life that is destroyed, it is always about the women.

Notice the sign in the picture that says, “Trust Women.” What does trusting women have to do with anything? If the argument is that we should trust women to do the right thing and not abort their children in the womb, the number of abortions since 1973, the year abortion became legal, screams out, that we cannot trust all women to do the right thing. That is not a male chauvinistic attitude. The fact is, when it comes to choosing between God’s will and our own, neither men nor women outside of Christ can be trusted.

The whole idea of trusting one to do the right thing in place of having law to regulate unruly behavior is absurd. Is not the law necessary in the first place because people tend to do the wrong thing, and usually because of self-interest? Imagine, if someone said, “Let us do away with the law against drinking and driving and just trust man.” Would that line of reasoning work with any type of human behavior? Thinking that, since man is generally good, we do not need any laws against such things as stealing, murder, extortion, etc., would be terribly naïve. Even abortionists would not conclude such a thing, except, of course, when it comes to abortion.

Why is simply putting more trust in women not the answer to abortion? It is because, while there are many wonderful women in the world who want to do God’s will more than their own, there are enough who do not view abortion from a biblical perspective. They have their own selfish agenda. Thus, it is necessary to make abortion illegal once again, which is what they were using children to protest in the picture above. No, passing a law that makes abortion illegal will not solve the problem we have with it in this country, but it will curtail it. I am thankful that the rate of abortions in the United States has dropped to its lowest level since Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. “The report from the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights, counted 862,000 abortions in the U.S. in 2017. That’s down from 926,000 tallied in the group’s previous report for 2014, and from just over 1 million counted for 2011” (Associated Press News). Still, 862,000 is a number that is way too many when 1 is even too high. Let us continue to pray for the day when abortion is illegal once again, and for those who support it, that they might come to see that murdering innocent babies is too great a price to pay for personal rights.