Everyone has character.  Some have good character and others bad, but we all have it.  Character is defined as “a feature used to separate distinguishable things into categories.”  It has to do with the attributes and traits that make up and distinguish individuals from one another.  What kind of character do you have?

How do we know that we have good character?  Certain things in life test our character and reveal its true nature.  Let us look at a few of those things.

  • When we do not get our way

How do you react when you do not get what you want?  Babies cry.  That is not unusual.  We expect them to do so.  We do not expect adults to respond the same way when they do not get what they want.  Sadly, they often do.  They may not literally cry but they sulk and complain and grumble, hoping that will get them what they want.

What is even sadder is the fact that some members of the church act immaturely when they do not get their way.  They stop talking to those who stand in the way of them getting what they want.  They stop working for the Lord, thinking that will show others how much they are needed.  They basically start pouting spiritually all because they do not get their way.  Instead of responding like that when we do not get our way, let us show our good character by following the examples of Joseph, Moses, Paul, and several other Bible characters, all of whom did not get their way all the time.

  • When we are criticized

When rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was criticized by enemies (Nehemiah 2:19), but he continued the work God gave him to do and finished building the walls in 52 days (Nehemiah 6:14).  John the Baptist was accused of having a demon (Matthew 11:18), but he completed his job as the forerunner for Christ.  Even Jesus was called a glutton and a drunkard (Matthew 11:19).  These are just a few of the many examples of godly men who were criticized but refused to quit.  In fact, they did not even slow down, but pressed ahead and finished the jobs that God gave them to do.

How do you respond to being criticized? There are different kinds of criticism.  Some criticize with wrong motives, trying to hurt us.  That is the kind of criticism Nehemiah experienced.  If we receive that as Christians, we should first make sure there is no truth to the criticism, and if not, continue to press forward, living the life that we know is pleasing to God.

Some offer us constructive criticism to help us.  We should be humble enough to receive it as such and change accordingly.  Responding appropriately to constructive criticism shows maturity and wisdom and usually helps us to be stronger Christians.  So, let us not be like those who are consumed with pride and respond angrily when someone is just trying to help us.  That shows bad character and must be avoided.

  • When we fail

It is easy to give up when we fail, but the one who has strong character will refuse to do so.  Abraham Lincoln is a prime example of this.  He lost his job in 1832.  He was defeated for state legislature that same year.  In 1833 he failed in business.  He was elected to the state legislature in 1834, showing that he did not quit after he was defeated the first time, but then he was defeated for Speaker in 1838.  He was elected to Congress in 1846 but then lost renomination in 1848.  He was rejected for land officer in 1849, defeated for U.S. Senate in 1856, defeated for nomination for Vice President in 1856, and again for U.S. Senate in 1858.  In 1860 he was the 16th President of the United States.

We should all take heed to the old expression, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”  This is the path taken by those with good character.  What kind of character do you have?

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.