In Mark 10:17, a rich young ruler ran up to Jesus and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  That was a significant question that we should all ask ourselves.  We often discuss what a person must do to be saved initially, but what must we do to stay saved?  This week let us consider some things we can do to maintain our salvation.

To continue in favor with God, we must use our time wisely.  Paul admonishes us to redeem the time while we can (Ephesians 5:15-16).   The word redeem means “to buy up or rescue from loss.”  The idea is that we should buy up time and save it from being lost by taking advantage of every opportunity we have to do good.

Procrastination is one of Satan’s greatest tools.  He may not be able to seduce us into living a life of gross immorality, but he has been able to get an innumerable amount of Christians to waste time.  Perhaps wasted time will result in more souls losing favor with God than anything else.  So, what must we do about it if we want to inherit eternal life?

We should first make sure we realize the importance of time. Time wasted is time lost, and lost time is something that we can never get back. Each minute is an irretrievable gift.   If we can remember this, it will help us to use the time that God blesses us with better.

The importance of time is also highlighted by the fact that most things in life that are of great value take time to accomplish.  Things such as building a strong marriage, obtaining Bible knowledge, living a holy life, and strengthening our relationship with Christ are all things that cannot be accomplished quickly.  Knowing this should help us to redeem the time.

Another thing we can do to redeem the time is to determine to put God first in our lives.  To put anything before God in our lives is a waste of time.  However, if we seek God first, He will richly bless us.

Matthew 6:33 (ESV)
33  But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Seeking the kingdom of God alone is not enough.  We must seek the kingdom first.  The truth is, if we are not willing to seek God and His kingdom first, we ought to just find something else to do with our lives because God will not accept being second fiddle.   He is not willing to be relegated to the back seat of our lives.  Do you think He should?  Of course not!  We must give God the time He deserves by putting Him before everyone and everything else in our lives.

Do you want to redeem the time?  Do not just think about it—determine to do it!

Too Busy!

Too busy to read the Bible; Too busy to wait and pray!

Too busy to speak out kindly; To someone by the way!

Too busy with the cares of this world; to think of the life to come!

Too busy building earthly mansions; to plan for a heavenly home.

Too busy for all that is holy; On earth beneath the sky!

Too busy to serve the master, but not too busy to die!

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.