Being religious simply refers to being devoted to a set of established beliefs.  There are many different religions in the world, but the only one that is beneficial to the soul is the one that involves devotion to the true and living God.  It involves being faithful to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and committed to His Word found in the book we call the Bible.  How are you doing religiously? Are you as devoted to God as you should be?  The majority of people in the world are more devoted to themselves than to God.  If we are where we should be religiously, we will manifest certain behaviors and attitudes.  For a few minutes, consider some things that demonstrate that we are in the right place religiously.

If we are religiously right, we put God first in our lives.

Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Jesus mentions two things that are characteristic of those who are religiously right.  First, they put the kingdom of God first.  The kingdom refers to both the royal reign and rule of God, as well as, the realm of God’s reign.  As for the rule and reign of God, the faithful citizen in the kingdom of God allows God to rule in his heart and reign over his life.  He seeks the will of God in the decisions that he makes and the actions that he takes.  Obeying God becomes the most important aspect of his life.  He practices his religion by living for God every day.

As for the realm of God’s rule, while God indeed rules the whole world (Daniel 4:23-6, 34-35), the special realm where He rules is the church, the New Testament kingdom of God.  Those who practice the right religion, are those who are active members of the Lord’s church.

Where are you when it comes to these things?  Is God piloting your life, or is He just the co-pilot?  Are you allowing Him to lead you by His Word into being an active citizen in His kingdom, or are you living your life apart from His rule?  We all must consider these kinds of questions when it comes to our relationship with God.

The second thing that is characteristic of those who are religiously right is that they seek the righteousness of God.  We do this by following His commands and instructions, leading us to a life of purity and holiness.  James puts it like this:

James 1:27 (ESV)
27  Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

If your religion does not keep you unstained from the world, then your religion is not right, or at least it is unpracticed.  To fail to practice your religion is to have no religion at all.  It is sad when we see people with the wrong religion, religion concocted in the feeble minds of men, practicing their religion better than we practice the religion of our Lord.  Do not allow that to be you.  Make sure you are in the right place religiously—the place where your religion is, not only right, but one that is practiced as well.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.