This time of year, most people reflect upon things for which they are thankful.  While we should be thankful for many things every day, there is no harm in openly expressing our thankfulness during a certain time of year, as long as it is not the only time we are thankful.

Our thanksgiving should always begin with God.  Whatever blessings we have in this life come from Him.  James said, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights…” (James 1:17).  One of the first blessings from God for which we should be thankful, at least from a physical standpoint, is family.  What a blessing a family can be.

I know that family can sometimes seem less than a blessing because of the efforts of Satan and the reality of sin.  As much as we love our families, they can be our biggest source of heartbreak.  Nevertheless, family itself is a creation of God.  He introduced family when He brought Adam and Eve into this world and instructed them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:26-28).  Why did God create family?  Because he knew that it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18).

God created mankind with the need for friendship and companionship.  Man is a social being whose needs can only be met by another being of the same kind; thus, God created woman to meet that need.  A being who could give man the intimate relationship and spiritual fellowship for which he was made.  The truth is both men and women were created to meet each other’s social, emotional, and physical needs in the bond of matrimony.  In this relationship, two become one flesh, and it is the most sacred relationship in the world, other than the one we sustain with God.

If you are in a loving marriage that has God as its foundation, that is, you are married to a Christian who loves the Lord as you do and demonstrates that love by faithful living, you are among the most blessed people in the world.  Be thankful for what you have every day.  If this union has provided children for you, let God know how appreciative you are.  They are a blessing from Him.

Psalm 127:3 (ESV)
3Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Notice how Jacob viewed his children.

Genesis 33:5 (ESV)
5 And when Esau lifted up his eyes and saw the women and children, he said, “Who are these with you?” Jacob said, “The children whom God has graciously given your servant.”

We should view our children the same way, that is, as gracious gifts from God.  Are our children perfect?  Of course not, and yes, they can bring us grief from time to time.  But they also bring us great joy and love.  We should always be thankful for them.  And let us not forget grandchildren.  Grandparents everywhere will testify to the preciousness of them.

Family is a precious gift. Never take it for granted.  Appreciate the time you have with your family.  Take advantage of it while you can.  I have not always done that, but I hope to do better because I have truly been blessed by my family and I’m thankful for them every day.  During this season of thanksgiving, let us not forget to thank God for the family that He has graciously given us.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.