There is much for which we should all be thankful.  Man tends to be thankful for the important things in life but takes for granted the little things.  We should realize that it is the accumulation of the little things that results in an overall joyful life.  I should note that the little things in life are not always so little, they are just overlooked.  Something that falls into that category is peace.

Peace at home is often taken for granted.  Maybe it is because it is all that many have ever known.  I grew up in a hostile home.  Do not get me wrong.  Many people grew up in homes far worse than the one I did, but there was hostility in mine.  Where there is hostility, there is fear and uneasiness.  There is yelling, crying, and just a constant atmosphere of unrest.  I am thankful for the peaceful atmosphere that I now have.  Perhaps you have always had a peaceful home.  That, in itself, is a blessing from God.  Never take it for granted.  Be thankful every day.

Peace in the local church is another blessing that many members take for granted.  Again, it might be because it is all they have ever known, but anyone who has suffered through a difficult problem with a local church, a problem precipitated by a member or two not acting right, knows how hard it can be.  When it is a problem that lingers, it becomes an almost unbearable situation.  To be a member of a local church that is at peace is a great blessing and benefit to our souls.

If you are a member of a local church at peace, be thankful.  More than being thankful, show that you are thankful by helping the local church continue to be at peace.  Do all you can to never be a problem or a troublemaker.  Obey the elders, knowing they have the rule over the local church (Hebrews 13:17).  By the way, if you are at a local church that is at peace, be thankful, not only to God but also to the elders.  I know from experience what a contrast it is to be a member of churches with and without elders.  Elders shield us from many of the problems that arise in the church and help prevent those problems from progressing and becoming a serious issue that brings much sadness and pain.

Finally, we should be thankful for the peace we have religiously.  In this country, being able to worship God the way the Bible commands us is as natural as breathing air.  The United States has always been a country of religious freedom.  It is a part of our Constitution.  Because of this, we know little of suffering for our God.  We can worship wherever we want, however we want, and whenever we want.  This being the case, it would be hard not to take our peace for granted.  Nevertheless, we must do our best to avoid this.

Be thankful that the threat of being put to death is not something about which we have to worry.  Be thankful that when we gather together to worship God, we can do so publicly, without fear of being interrupted.  Be thankful that reading the Bible is not against the law.  Be thankful that a human government does not have the authority to stop us from worshipping God in spirit and in truth.  Thank God every day for the religious peace that we have always enjoyed.

Peace is a wonderful blessing.  It is a gift from God wherever it exists.  Whether that be in the home, in the church, or even in a country, we should always be appreciative of it.

As you wind down for the night, think about these things.